This species is widespread in England and Wales and is more common in the south. It also occurs in south-west Scotland. Numerous colonies were lost in the last century through farming intensification and the tidying up of the countryside. However, range and abundance have been relatively stable since the 1970s with a small decrease in abundance in the last ten years (Brereton et al.). In Hertfordshire and Middlesex, it became slightly more abundant than the 1990s (Wood, 2016), but a notable decline has occurred since 2015.
United Kingdom | Herts & Middx | |||
Distribution | 1976-2019 | -27% | 1980-2015 | -14% |
Average 10-year trend | -6% | 2006-2015 | +30% | |
2023 since 2015-19 | -8% | |||
Abundance | 1976-2023 | -26% | 1980-2015 | -14% |
2014-2023 | -37% | 2006-2015 | +35% | |
2022-2023 | +14% | 2023 since 2015-19 | -5% |
UK distribution map
UKBMS Species summary (2020)
Unimproved grassland, for example on roadside verges, woodland clearings, railway embankments and waste ground but it prefers shadier sites than the Small and Essex Skippers.
Cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata is the preferred foodplant in the county (Sawford), but False Brome Brachypodium sylvaticum and Purple Moor-grass Molinia caerulea are also occasionally used.
Common Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus (252), Bramble Rubus fruticosus agg. (69), Red Clover Trifolium pratense (39), Thistle Cirsium sp. (37).
Matthews noted the species at Norton Green Woods as highlighted in Gibbs' 1902 survey. Some reports published during the first half of the 20th century indicate that it was common and widespread. The 1934 Foster's report mentions it as being present. Rev. Greenham from Walkern saw it in nearby fields in around 1941 (Birdsall). Bowden notes that it was 'very numerous' on 2 June 1947 at Knebworth. Bell's 1973-76 report describes the butterfly as 'locally abundant'.
The butterfly is widely distributed in the Stevenage area as indicated on the map although it is apparently absent in several tetrads, notably TL22J (north Graveley) which is possibly due to lack of recorder effort. The area north of Graveley is mostly open farmland but there may be some sheltered spots near Roxley Court which might be suitable. There was a first report from the TL22H tetrad in the Old Town (Pound Avenue) on 14 July 2022. There are no records for TL22C and TL22Y, areas predominantly agricultural, since before 2010, but there may still be suitable pockets of taller grassland. Numbers have been relatively stable in the last few years unlike the decline of the other golden skippers. In 2023, 79 individuals wers counted during a Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey on 10 July - a record. The best sites are Fairlands Valley Park and Great Ashby Park. Like the Small and Essex Skippers, nectar sources are important for females to develop their eggs (Field et al.).
Earliest date: 16 May 2002 at GSK, Stevenage
Latest date: 28 August 2013 at Great Ashby Park
The butterfly generally emerges
in June with a long season lasting until the middle of August. The last week of June is the peak period as indicated on the chart. The eggs are laid beneath
leaf blades in sunny sheltered situations. Larvae hatch from the end of July to form tubes from several leaf blades and enter hibernation in this stage.
Pupae are formed within cocoons using silk, in late spring.
More details on the UK Butterflies website
Like the Small and Essex Skipper, early mornings and evenings, or cloudy weather are good times to find this species resting or basking, offering opportunities to take close-up photographs. When the sun is shining, males in particular, are far more active.
One known specimen, that of a male, in Hertfordshire, ab. pallida, where wings are partly suffused with white, was found at Hertford Heath by
Sandra Standbridge in 2003 (Wood).
Find out more on the UK Butterflies website
Shackledell 23 Jun 2016 (m)
Watery Grove 18 Jun 2019 (f)
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